10th Conference on Mesoscale Processes


An observational study on atmospheric conditions for formation of closed convection cells

Yuichi Miura, Tokyo University of Science, Tokyo, Japan

In the previous studies (6th, 8th and 9th Conf. on Mesoscale Processes), we reported that the closed convection cells could be viewed by the satellites at the south or south west edge of synoptic high accompanied with the cold air outbreak if the atmosphere was enough covered by the inversion layer. And we ascertained that the closed convection cells will be deformed from the open cells when the atmosphere embedded them changed from downdraft to upperdraft (it is suggested that downdraft domain in the open cells become narrower as vertical velocity of the atmosphere embedded open cells become larger). This time we will report similar to the last example with the atmospheric conditions which were observed at the southern sea of Japanese islands, western sea of California peninsular, south America and Africa continents.

extended abstract  Extended Abstract (748K)

Poster Session 1, Poster Session P1 with Coffee Break
Tuesday, 24 June 2003, 2:30 PM-4:00 PM

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