10th Conference on Mesoscale Processes


Rotor Dynamics in the Lee of Three-Dimensional Ridges

James D. Doyle, NRL, Monterey, CA; and D. R. Durran

Mountain waves forced by elongated ridges are often accompanied by low-level vortices that have horizontal circulation axes parallel to the ridgeline. These horizontal vortices, known as rotors, can be severe aeronautical hazards and have been cited as contributing to numerous aircraft accidents. In spite of their obvious importance, mountain-induced rotors still remain poorly understood, particularly with respect to three-dimensional aspects of the flow. In this study, the dynamics of rotors forced by three-dimensional topography are investigated through a series of high-resolution idealized simulations with the non-hydrostatic COAMPS model. The focus of this investigation is on the internal structure of rotors and in particular on the dynamics of small-scale intense circulations within rotors that we refer to as “sub-rotors”.

Simulations are conducted using an upstream reference state representative of the conditions under which rotors form in the real atmosphere; in particular a vertical profile approximating the conditions upstream of the Colorado Front Range on 1200 UTC 3 March 1991. This is a few hours prior to a B737 crash at the Colorado Springs, CO airport that was initially linked to rotors and near the time when rotor clouds were observed in vicinity. The topography is specified as a 1000-m high elongated ridge with a half-width of 15 km on the upstream portion and 5 km on the downstream side. In several experiments, a 500-m circular peak with a half-width of 7.5 km is used to investigate the sensitivity of the rotor dynamics to topographic variations in the cross-flow direction. As many as six nested grids are used with a minimum horizontal resolution of 22 m and 90 vertical levels in order to resolve the sub-rotors.

The simulation results indicate a thin sheet of high-vorticity fluid develops adjacent to the ground along the lee slope and then ascends abruptly as it is advected into the updraft at the leading edge of the first trapped lee wave. This vortex sheet is primarily forced by mechanical shear associated with frictional processes at the surface. Instability of the horizontal vortex sheet occurs along the leading edge of the “parent” rotor and as a result coherent sub-rotor circulations subsequently develop. These sub-rotors intensify and are advected downstream or back toward the mountain into the parent rotor at low-levels leading to an enhancement of the near-surface horizontal vorticity. Horizontal vorticity within the sub-rotors are enhanced several fold. A preliminary vorticity budget indicates that horizontal vorticity generation due to the stretching of vorticity is 2-3 times larger than tilting and 5-10 times larger than baroclinic generation. The horizontal vorticity generation appears to be enhanced near the edges of the wake emanating from the circular peak due to vortex stretching of the parent rotor and also further maximized due to stretching associated with three-dimensional turbulent eddies. The results suggest that preferred regions of intense rotors may exist near topographic features that enhance vortex stretching.

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Session 11, Orographic Flows II
Thursday, 26 June 2003, 1:30 PM-4:00 PM

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