Simulations of precipitation over a mesoscale mountain ridge—sensitivity to horizontal resolution
Ólafur Rögnvaldsson, Universtity of Bergen, Institute for Meteorological Research, Reykjavik, Iceland; and M. de Vries, H. Olafsson, and J. W. Bao
Precipitation over the Reykjanes mountain ridge, SW-Iceland has been simulated during a period of two wet months in the autumn of 2002. The 700 m high mountain ridge is relatively uniform and the flow impinging the mountains during precipitation is not directly influenced by other mountains. The simulated precipitation compares well with precipitation observed by a dense network of precipitation gauges of the Reykjanes EXperiment (REX). At low resolutions the precipitation is grossly underestimated, while at very high resolutions the simulations overestimate the maximum precipitation. At high resolution, the simulated precipitation gradients are similar to the observed ones and a precipitation shadow in the lee of the mountains is reproduced.
Poster Session 1, Poster Session P1 with Coffee Break
Tuesday, 24 June 2003, 2:30 PM-4:00 PM
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