10th Conference on Mountain Meteorology and MAP Meeting 2002

Wednesday, 19 June 2002: 4:15 PM
High resolution data assimilation in complex terrain
Carol M. Ciliberti, NOAA and CIRP/Univ. of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah; and J. D. Horel
The Okahoma Advanced Regional Prediction System (ARPS) Data Assimilation System (ADAS) is run in near-real time over the complex terrain of northwest Utah and the western United States. ADAS is a fully 3-dimensional analysis system, but a surface-based version has been developed at the University of Utah in order to provide local scale analysis products at very high temporal resolution. Surface analyses were provided to Olympic forecasters during February 2001 in order to improve nowcasting and short term forecasting for the Winter Olympic Games. The ADAS analyses were provided as an additional tool to assist forecasters in diagnosing mesoscale processes in regions of complex terrain. The utility of ADAS graphical products in combination with other real data products, such as radar reflectivities, is also presented.

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