During IOP-3, observations were collected using two Doppler on Wheels (DOW) radars, a high-density surface mesonet (MesoWest), flight-level data from the NOAA P-3 research aircraft, and three-hourly radiosonde releases by NWS and mobile laboratory sites. The DOWs yielded an excellent dual-Doppler dataset in the windward near-mountain environment, revealing several small-scale circulation features that were produced by the local topography. A windward convergence zone was observed where southwesterly flow from over the Great Salt Lake converged with terrain-parallel southerly flow near the Wasatch Mountains. This windward convergence zone appeared to result in the precipitation enhancement that was observed near Ogden, UT. The terrain-parallel southerly flow varied in magnitude along the Wasatch and was found to be weakest near the mouths of major canyons. Winds veered with height, resulting in increasing cross-barrier flow from mid-mountain to crest level. In this region, flow splitting was observed upwind of higher topographic features, with flow channeling between the peaks. The impact of these flow features on the observed distribution will be discussed, as well as their evolution as a synoptic scale pressure trough moved through the region.
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