During the air pollution field study Pacific 2001 in the Lower Fraser Valley, British Columbia, Canada, we studied slope flow mechanisms by taking measurements of wind speed, lidar backscatter of particulate matter, temperature, and specific humidity. The results presented here are based on measurements taken on July 25-26, 2001 during weak synoptic winds, clear skies, and strong daytime solar heating.
Measurements of the three air flow components were performed with a Doppler sodar in Minnekhada Park at the foot of a SSE-facing slope with an average angle of 19° and a ridge height of approximately 1000m in a shallow maritime boundary layer with a maximum mean height of approximately 900m. At a nearby site in the adjacent plain, a scanning lidar system and a tethersonde were used to measure the backscatter of particulate matter and the temperature, wind speed and direction and specific humidity, respectively.
Our observations show strong daytime upslope flows paired with often equally strong and deep return flows. Most remarkably, we observed that the return flows occurred below the mean top of the boundary layer. Depths of up to 500 m each for the upslope and the return flow and maximum values of the wind components parallel to the slope of up to 6 m/s were observed. The height of the maximum velocity of the upslope wind field was found to be close to one half of the total depth of the upslope flow.
These observations show that air pollutants can remain trapped under the top of the boundary layer rather than being vented into the free atmosphere, resulting in higher concentrations of air pollutants than previously expected. Furthermore, existing analytical models do not explain the shape and the height of the maximum velocity of the upslope wind fields observed during Pacific 2001.
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