10th Conference on Polar Meteorology and Oceanography

Session 1

 Polar Weather and Climate Variations (Present)
 Chair: Stephen J. Vavrus, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI
8:30 AMWelcoming Remarks   wrf recording
8:45 AM1.1Partitioning of recent surface temperature trends in the Arctic   wrf recording
Yinghui Liu, CIMSS/Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI; and J. Key and X. Wang
9:00 AM1.2The Recent Arctic Warm Period: the change in the dominate patterns?  
Muyin Wang, University of Washington, Seattle,, WA; and J. E. Overland
9:15 AM1.3Climatology and Variability of the Moisture Transport over Pan-Arctic Drainage System: Perspective from cyclone and anticyclone actives   wrf recording
Juanxiong He, International Arctic Research Center, Fairbanks, AK; and X. Zhang
9:30 AM1.4Characteristics of extreme cold airmasses over the North American subarctic   wrf recording
Isaac E. Hankes, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL; and J. E. Walsh
9:45 AM1.5South Pacific ENSO teleconnection variations linked to the SAM   wrf recording
Ryan L. Fogt, NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory, Boulder, CO; and D. H. Bromwich and K. M. Hines

Monday, 18 May 2009: 8:30 AM-10:00 AM, Capitol Ballroom AB

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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