11th Conference on Atmospheric Radiation
11th Conference on Cloud Physics


An Interhemispheric Comparison of Cirrus Cloud Properties Using MODIS and GOES

David P. Duda, Hampton University, Hampton, VA; and P. Minnis, W. L. Smith, S. Sun-Mack, J. K. Ayers, J. F. Gayet, F. Auriol, J. Strom, A. Minkin, A. Petzold, and U. Schumann

The INterhemispheric differences in Cirrus properties from Anthropogenic emissions (INCA) experiment obtained aircraft-based measurements of upper tropospheric properties in the Northern and Southern hemispheres for comparable latitudes, seasons and backgrounds to determine any differences in cirrus clouds that may be attributable to air pollution. As a follow-up to this study, we compare ice cloud properties in the Southern (without strong pollution) and Northern hemisphere (with strong pollution) at mid-latitudes by using multi-spectral cloud property retrievals to compile the cirrus properties for one month each over both INCA regions (around Scotland and southern Chile). Data from the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES-8) imager and the MODerate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (Terra MODIS) are used in the remote sensing retrievals. Various screening criteria are tested to minimize complicating factors such as surface differences and low cloud contamination. The satellite-derived cirrus cloud properties from the polluted and unpolluted regions are compared to the aircraft-based measurements from the INCA campaign.

extended abstract  Extended Abstract (396K)

Joint Session 1, Remote Sensing of Clouds I (Joint between 11th Cloud Physics and 11th Atmospheric Radiation)
Monday, 3 June 2002, 3:30 PM-5:00 PM

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