Radiation, cloud and aerosol data from the Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) Instrument
Linda A. Hunt, SAIC and NASA/Langley Atmospheric Sciences Data Center, Hampton, VA; and R. K. Seals and N. A. Ritchey
The NASA Langley Atmospheric Sciences Data Center produces, archives and distributes data from the Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) instrument which is currently orbiting aboard the EOS Terra Spacecraft. MISR is comprised of nine colinear cameras covering a wide array of angles in the forward, aft and nadir directions, Each camera measures four wavelengths (blue, green, red and near IR). These global angular measurements at resolutions of 275m and 1100 m are used to derive aerosol, cloud and earth surface information.
This poster presentation will describe and provide graphic examples of the MISR data products, which are available at http://eosweb.larc.nasa.gov. Software tools for data access and visualization will be discussed. CD and DVD-ROMs of MISR imagery will also be available at the poster.
Supplementary URL: http://eosweb.larc.nasa.gov
Poster Session 1, Radiative Forcing and Remote Sensing of Aerosols (Parallel with Joint Poster Session JP1)
Monday, 3 June 2002, 1:00 PM-3:00 PM
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