11th Conference on Cloud Physics

Session 9

 Aerosol Physics and Chemistry
8:30 AM9.1Do organic films influence cloud droplet formation?  
Patrick Y. Chuang, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA
8:45 AM9.2On the influence of film-forming compounds on droplet growth  extended abstract
Graham Feingold, NOAA/ETL, Boulder, CO; and P. Y. Chuang
9:00 AM9.3Effect of cloud condensation nuclei on the precipitation Numerical simulation with a hybrid microphysical model  extended abstract
Naomi Kuba, Japan Agency for Marin-Earth Science and Tecnology (JAMSTEC), Yokohama, Japan
9:15 AM9.4Impact of tropical deep convection on tropospheric chemistry  extended abstract
Chien Wang, MIT, Cambridge, MA
9:30 AM9.5Relative importance of the production and destruction of chemically reactive species in deep convection  extended abstract
Mary C. Barth, NCAR, Boulder, CO
9:45 AM9.6Simulations of aerosol-cloud-dynamical feedbacks resulting from entrainment of aerosol into the marine boundary layer during ASTEX  extended abstract
Hongli Jiang, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO; and G. Feingold and W. R. Cotton

Friday, 7 June 2002: 8:30 AM-10:00 AM

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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