11th Conference on Mountain Meteorology and the Annual Mesoscale Alpine Program (MAP)


Forecasting an extreme precipitation event in Norway

Einar Magnús Einarsson, University of Iceland and the Icelandic Meteorological Office, Reykjavik, Iceland; and H. Ólafsson

In August 2003 heavy precipitation occurred in the northern part of South-Norway. The event is simulated from initial conditions at different times to gain insight into the predictability of the high-impact weather event. A forty-eight hours forecast fails to predict the intensity of the precipitation, while the event is reproduced reasonably well in a 24 hours forecast. The improvement between the forecasts is mainly associated with an increase in intensity and improved direction of low-level winds that impinge the mountains. The errors in the winds in the 48 hours forecast were associated with a local underestimation of temperatures in the lower part of the troposphere in the analysis. This study is a part of the THORPEX programme on the predictability of high-impact weather

extended abstract  Extended Abstract (472K)

Poster Session 9, Mountain Weather Forecasting
Monday, 21 June 2004, 5:30 PM-7:30 PM

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