Poster Session P6.1 Measurement of micro weather in valley cross section

Monday, 21 June 2004
Koji Tamai, Forestry & Forest Products Research Institute, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan

Handout (164.1 kB)

The micro-weather in large mountain scale varies very much. On the other-hand, micro-weather influences on animals and plants seriously in each micro-scale. Thus it is more important and more difficult to measure the micro-weather variation in larger-scale. The space distribution of solar radiation, air temperature, relative humidity and wind speed were measured in the cross section of the valley in around 90m horizontally and 20m vertically using the aerial rope-way for the timber logging. Observations were made at the hilly mountainous forest in western Japan (34o 47'EL, 135o 51'EL). This site was surrounded by complex topographical terrain consisted with ridges and valleys in -0m height or depth and dozens meters width. The same topography extends more than 5km to north and east direction, 2km to west and 3km to south directions. Deciduous broad-leaved trees, like Quercus serrata and Lyonia japonica elliptica, dominate as tall trees and shrubs. The observed valley runs from north-east to south-west direction. The another tower was settled on the ridge and the control data were measured. The observed data shows that the contour line of relative solar radiation is similar to signature "V" and the contour line of relative wind speed runs horizontally. The contour lines of relative air temperature and relative vapor deficit are between of them.
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