The idea of the PV banner intercomparison project (PVBIP) is to compare PV generation in different mesoscale numerical models using a common (idealized) setup and to identify the key parameters influencing the structure of the wake and the strength and shape of the PV anomalies. The proposed setup is that of a stratified flow past an isolated, Gaussian-shaped mountain with an upstream profile of uniform wind speed and constant stratification. To further simplify the problem free-slip lower boundary conditions are used.
The poster will present the detailed setup for the study, suggestions for the intercomparison procedures and data exchange, and some preliminary results for two models, namely ARPS (the Advanced Regional Prediction System from the Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms at University of Oklahoma) and COAMPS (Coupled Ocean/Atmosphere Mesoscale Prediction System from the Naval Research Laboratory). We invite all groups interested in participation to further discussions.