22nd Conference on Severe Local Storms

Session 11A

 Severe Local Storms Forecasting
 Organizers: Richard L. Thompson, NOAA/NSSL/SPC, Norman, OK; Tracy Lorraine Smith, NOAA/Forecast Systems Laboratory, Boulder, CO
4:30 PM11A.1Moisture flux convergence: its history and application in convective initiation forecasting  extended abstract wrf recording
Peter C. Banacos, NOAA/NWS/NCEP/SPC, Norman, OK; and D. M. Schultz
4:45 PM11A.2Forecasting short term convective mode and evolution for severe storms initiated along synoptic boundaries  extended abstract wrf recording
Greg Leander Dial, NOAA/NWS, Norman, OK; and J. P. Racy
11A.3A technique for diagnosing the likely occurrence and severity of convection  
Sara L. Bruening, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI; and P. J. Roebber
5:00 PM11A.3ACharacteristics of a tornado outbreak associated with the remnants of Tropical Storm Bill  extended abstract wrf recording
Paul A. Yura, NOAA/NWS, Charleston, SC; and D. P. St. Jean
5:15 PM11A.4Leveraging the Combined Strengths of Local Mesoscale Modeling and Local Forecaster Intelligence to Refine Convective Threat Assessments  
David W. Sharp, NOAA/NWS, Melbourne, FL
5:30 PM11A.5An automated “3-Element” algorithm for forecasting severe weather using AFWA MM5 model output data  extended abstract wrf recording
David L. Keller, Air Force Weather Agency, Offutt AFB, NE
5:45 PM11A.6Exploring hodograph-based techniques to estimate the velocity of right-moving supercells  extended abstract wrf recording
Hamish Andrew Ramsay, CIMMS/Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman, OK; and C. A. Doswell

Wednesday, 6 October 2004: 4:30 PM-6:15 PM

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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