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For the 18-yr period investigated, derechos were responsible for 153 fatalities and over 2,600 injuries. Derecho fatalities are comparable to those produced by recent U.S. hurricanes and exceed the fatalities caused by more than 88 % of the tornadoes that have affected U.S from 1986-2003. However, results suggest that derechos do not account for a majority of the casualties owing to convectively induced non-tornadic winds in the U.S.
Insured losses from many derechos and derecho families (i.e., a series of derecho events) were found to exceed $100 million dollars with one event (31 May 1998) nearing $0.5 billion in estimated insured losses. These estimated losses are comparable to some of the U.S.s most noteworthy hurricanes in the last 18 yr and are equivalent to the most damaging tornadoes in the U.S. history.