As one would expect from such a charging mechanism, observations and numerical storm simulations suggest that lightning flash rates are proportional to precipitating ice mass and updraft mass flux in the mixed phase region. Studies have shown large, rapid increases in the flash rates of some storms 10-20 min before severe weather occurs, presumably due to intensification of the updraft leading to the severe weather. In the southeastern United States, this increase in flash rates is often followed by a decrease in flash rates a few minutes before severe weather occurs. Strong updraft pulses also sometimes produce inverted-polarity cloud flashes and positive cloud-to-ground lightning.
Because lightning tends to permeate parts of the storm that have advected from regions of charge generation, plots of the density of lightning channel segments reveal features of severe-storm structure similar to those revealed by radar reflectivity. Thus, for example, plots and movies of lightning density reveal rising maxima (bubbles) of lightning density indicative of new updrafts, overshooting storm tops, v-structure indicative of flow around a strong updraft at upper levels, and a transient minimum in lightning density (a lightning hole, similar to a bounded weak echo region in reflectivity) during early stages of a mesocyclone. Because three-dimensional lightning mapping systems continuously receive data from all regions of lightning activity, real-time mapping systems delineate such severe storm features with excellent temporal and spatial resolution.