Tuesday, 5 October 2004: 11:00 AM
On 24-25 May 2003 a mature MCV was sampled by NOAA P3 airborne Doppler radar over northeastern Oklahoma as part of the Bow Echo and MCV Experiment (BAMEX). We present results from an analysis of Doppler winds during IOP1 beginning 1300 UTC 24 May and ending 0130 UTC 25 May. The three-dimensional structure of the vortex is documented.
This unique data set is used to address issues pertaining to the intrinsic resiliency of MCVs. Recent theoretical work on geophysical vortices in vertical shear flow suggests that vortex resiliency depends strongly on the radial vortex profile. Here, insights into the resiliency of the MCV observed during IOP1 are provided based on the Doppler-derived vertical and radial structures of mean vortex flow.