Intercomparison of GOES-8 Imager and Sounder skin temperature retrievals
Stephanie L. Haines, University of Alabama, Huntsville, AL; and R. J. Suggs and G. J. Jedlovec
Skin temperature (ST) retrievals derived from geostationary satellite observations have both high temporal and spatial resolutions and are therefore useful for applications such as assimilation into mesoscale forecast models, nowcasting, and diagnostic studies. Our retrieval method uses a Physical Split Window technique requiring at least two channels within the longwave infrared window. On current GOES satellites, including GOES-11, there are two Imager channels within the required spectral interval. However, beginning with the GOES-M satellite the 12-�m channel will be removed, leaving only one longwave channel. The Sounder instrument will continue to have three channels within the longwave window, and therefore ST retrievals will be derived from Sounder measurements. This research compares retrievals from the two instruments and evaluates the effects of the spatial resolution and sensor calibration differences on the retrievals. Both Imager and Sounder retrievals are compared to ground-truth data to evaluate the overall accuracy of the technique. An analysis of GOES-8 and GOES-11 inter-comparisons is also presented.
Poster Session 4, Radiances, Clouds, and Retrievals
Wednesday, 17 October 2001, 9:15 AM-11:00 AM
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