The implementation plan for the VL calls for the following items to be addressed: 1) the resource library: its role, how it is structured, how training materials are "peer reviewed"; 2) the VISITview teletraining program: how it works, numbers of forecasters trained in USA, how it fits into the Virtual Laboratory construct; 3) expectations for the WMO Regional Meteorological Training Centers that are participating in the Virtual Laboratory especially in the area of how to help to help focus their training, and as an input to WMO; 4) coordination of WMO training activities leading to a schedule of "classes" for each year; 5) Virtual Laboratory participant roles and responsibilities; 6) archiving of training class presentations as a future training resource; 7) development of a web based training resource available for all WMO countries; and 8) how the VL should be managed. The presentation at the conference will give an update on the progress made in establishing the Virtual Laboratory for Training in Satellite Meteorology.
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