Tuesday, 5 November 2002: 10:15 AM
An Overview and Science Results from the SABER Experiment on the Timed Satellite
The Sounding of the Atmosphere using Broadband Emission Radiometry
(SABER) experiment was launched onboard the TIMED satellite by a Delta
II rocket at 7:07:35 am PST on December 7, 2001 from the Western Test
Range. The satellite was placed in a 74.1 degree inclined, 625 km
orbit. The primary science goal of SABER is to achieve major advances
in understanding the structure, energetics, chemistry, and dynamics in
the atmospheric region extending from 60 to 180 km altitude. This will
be accomplished using the space flight proven experiment approach of
spectral broadband limb emission radiometry. The SABER instrument
scans the earth limb in 10 spectral bands ranging from 1.27 (m to 17
(m wavelength. The observed limb emission profiles are being processed
on the ground to provide vertical profiles with 2 km altitude
resolution of the following parameters: temperature, O3, H2O, and CO2
mixing ratios; volume emission rates due to O2 (singlet delta), OH (v=3,4,5), OH (v=7,8,9), and NO; key atmospheric cooling rates, solar
heating rates, chemical heating rates, and airglow losses; atomic
oxygen, atomic hydrogen and geostrophic winds. Measurements are made
both night and day over the latitude range from 52 S to 83 N with
alternating hemispheric coverage every 60 days. This paper provides a
brief description of the TIMED mission, its science goals and selected
results. The SABER experiment will be discussed in more detail
including its orbital performance, example data products, and
comparisons with correlative observations. Response of the atmosphere
to a large solar storm observed by SABER will be described.
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