Our correlation results are mixed. Mean meteorological variables such as wind speed, 2-meter air temperature, surface temperature, and pressure are well correlated for all spatial separations in our dataset. The radiative fluxes--incoming and outgoing longwave and shortwave radiation--are also generally well correlated except in winter, December, January, and February. The friction velocity and surface sensible heat flux are not as well correlated among the sites, but the friction velocity and the sensible and latent heat fluxes estimated with a bulk flux algorithm are better correlated than the measured fluxes. In the variables that show good correlation among the sites--namely, wind speed, air temperature, surface temperature, pressure, and longwave and shortwave radiation--we see no consistent decay in the correlation with increasing separation up to the largest separation in our dataset, 12 km. This result implies that, for model grid cells of 12 km and less, using a single value for a state variable is a reasonable approximation.