227705 The Role of the Poles in World History (Invited Presentation)

Monday, 29 April 2013: 5:30 PM
Visions (Renaissance Seattle Hotel)
Hal Hansen, Historian, Naval Postgraduate School and Teacher, Pacific Collegiate School, Santa Cruz, CA

In recent decades, the study and teaching of history has become increasingly global: at most high schools and colleges, "Westen Civilization" has been replaced by "World History." While this globalization of historical study has been generally positive and appropriate, the globe's polar regions are just as neglected now as they've always been. While most historians view the polar regions as irrelevant places containing little historial value, this attitude has contributed to confusion about the global relevance of activity in the polar region. As polar scientists seek to engage other scholars and citizens about the connection between the poles and our collective future, it may be useful to clarify the extraordinary role that our polar regions have played in our collective past.
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