P1.38 precipitation enhancement in by cloud seeding rainshadow regions of Andhra Pradesh

Monday, 28 June 2010
Exhibit Hall (DoubleTree by Hilton Portland)
PR Vittal Murty Kolavennu, Andhra university, Visakhapatanam, AP, India

This paper contans the gist of precipitation enhancement experiments carried out by thestate governament of AP ,India during south west monsoon season.The clouds were continuously monitored with radar using TITAN software and the information was passed on by the radar meteorologist to pilot of cloud physics air craft, who in turn will seed the suitable clouds. The metomorphism in 0ther words the temporal variation of the seeded cloud was observed and the precipitation enhancement was also established by the rain guage network The results of these experiments were presented and discussed.It can be concluded that in times of climate change when the vagaries are more like droughts and flash floods artificial cloud seeding will atleast soothen the variations and provide economic benefits in the agricultural sector .
- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
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