During the previous years, we re-investigated the homogeneous freezing rates of aqueous sulphuric acid aerosol particles at temperatures between -40°C and -80°C, using the cloud chamber facility AIDA (Aerosol Interactions and Dynamics in the Atmosphere) which enables laboratory studies of cloud formation processes, in particular ice formation, in a realistic and dynamic cloud simulation environment. It consists of a large evacuable vessel (volume 84 m3) which is placed inside an insulating box with homogeneous temperature control. Pure sulphuric acid aerosol particles were generated by nucleation from the vapour phase and added to the chamber at number densities between 100 and 10000 cm-3. Expansion cooling and humidity increase are induced by controlled pumping to the cloud chamber, with typical cooling rates of -0.1 to -5 K/min. With increasing relative humidity the particles grow by taking up water and thereby continuously dilute. Both the relative humidity and the bulk aerosol composition are directly measures with a tunable diode water detection technique and an FTIR extinction spectrometer, respectively. The freezing onset and the ice formation rates are measured with an in situ laser scattering and depolarisation setup and an optical particle counter.
The experimental results will be summarized and discussed together with atmospheric implications of a new parameterization for homogeneous freezing rates of sulphuric acid particles which was derived from the experimental data set.