P1.20 Investigation of the earth radiation budget through an integrative analysis of CERES-BSRN observations and ECHAM5-HAM simulations

Monday, 28 June 2010
Exhibit Hall (DoubleTree by Hilton Portland)
Xiquan Dong, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND; and B. Xi, M. Wild, D. Folini, P. Minnis, and N. Loeb

The solar radiation must be considered as the primary factor when we study the climatic system because it provides almost all energy that drives the climatic system and most atmospheric phenomena. The solar radiation at the TOA is partially transferred, transformed into other forms of energy that are eventually dissipated by the general circulation of the atmosphere and oceans, and partially used in chemical and biological processes. The absorption of solar energy in the atmosphere (Acol) plays a key role in the climate system, not only because it affects the amount of solar energy absorbed by the Earth system, but also because it changes the vertical distribution of absorbed energy, which in turn impacts surface evaporation, atmospheric convection and precipitation. To investigate Acol, we have collected the collocated satellite-surface observations over the 35 selected BSRN surface sites during the period 2000-2004. The surface radiation budgets are averaged from the BSRN Shortwave (SW) observations over a 1-hour interval centered at the time of the NASA Terra and Aqua satellites overpass, and the TOA radiation budgets are averaged from the closest FOV satellite data to the BSRN stations. Then the atmospheric column SW absorption will be inferred from the satellite TOA albedo and BSRN surface absorption (through the estimated surface albedo). Monthly means of Acol, TOA albedo, and surface absorption have been calculated under both clear- and all-sky conditions over the 35 selected BSRN sites which represent different climate regimes. To evaluate the GCM simulations, we have collected the ECHAM5-HAM simulated surface, TOA and atmospheric radiation budgets by researchers at ETH Zurich and compared those simulations with observations. The preliminary comparisons have shown that the ECHAM5 simulated clear-sky surface absorption, TOA albedo, and ACOL agree very well (1-3%) with observations. Under all-sky conditions, they have strong correlations with CERES-derived cloud fraction. The simulated surface absorption is lower and TOA albedo is higher than those under clear skies, but ACOL does not increase too much. However, there are relatively large differences over some regions and months. A further study is needed.
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