Data from the Eagle and Hawk hyperspectral imagers can be directly compared with data from the MODIS instrument on the Terra and Aqua satellites by passing the output through the MODIS algorithms. This can give a resolution of 100m for the albedo. In the presentation, these remote sensing data will be enable comparison of albedo paramaterizations applied to the observed microphysical data, e.g. the Schwartz-Slingo parameterisation (Schwartz and Slingo, 1996).
Allen, G. and Abel, S. (2009). VAMOS Ocean-Climate-Atmosphere-Land Study: UK component, Technical report, VOCALS-UK.
Droplet Measurement Technologies (2009). Cloud droplet probe (CDP) manual, Technical report, Droplet Measurement Technologies Inc.
Schwartz, S. E. and Slingo, A. (1996). Enhanced shortwave radiative forcing due to anthropogenic aerosols, in P. Crutzen and V. Ramanathan (eds), Clouds chemistry and climate, Springer, pp. 191- 236.
Spectral Imaging Ltd. (2009). AISA dual eagle and hawk hyperspectral sensor, Technical report, Spectral Imaging Ltd.