JP1.29 The investigation on the cloud effects on ambient atmospheric condition and radiation using the collocated AIRS/CloudSat/MODIS data records

Monday, 28 June 2010
Exhibit Hall (DoubleTree by Hilton Portland)
Qing Yue, JPL, La Cañada Flintridge, CA; and E. J. Fetzer, M. Schreier, B. H. Kahn, and G. Manipon

We have analyzed one year of collocated AIRS and CloudSat data over the global ocean and emphasized on stratocumulus (Sc) cloudy conditions indentified by CloudSat. Six oceanic regions have been selected where Sc occur frequently. Atmospheric profiles including temperature and water vapor are observed by AIRS and sorted based on CloudSat cloud regimes. It has been found the ambient atmospheric water vapor and temperature are correlated with Sc cloud fraction and frequency of occurrence. Regional differences in these relations are investigated and their effect on the atmospheric radiation field has been addressed through detailed radiative transfer calculation. Three months of cloud optical depth and particle mean effective size from MODIS/Aqua have also been collocated with the AIRS/CloudSat data records in the six Sc regions that we have selected. Surface and top of atmosphere radiative fluxes and heating rates profiles are obtained. The correlations of Sc cloud radiative properties and the ambient atmospheric conditions are examined in the regions of interest.
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