P6.9 Comparison of the Global Transport Circulations from the NCEP Reanalysis and CCM3

Thursday, 7 June 2001
Kenneth P. Bowman, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX; and T. Erukhimova

The climatological transport circulation of the troposphere is investigated using 20 years of trajectories computed from two sets of global winds: the NCEP Reanalysis and a standard integration of the National Center for Atmospheric Research Community Climate Model Version 3 (CCM3). The trajectories are used to estimate the climatological (ensemble-mean) Green’s function for the continuity equation for a conservative passive tracer. The Green’s functions are used for quantitative analysis of the structure of the transport circulation in the latitude-height plane, including the seasonal cycle and the degree of hemispheric asymmetry. The Greens functions are also used to make a quantitative comparison of the transport circulations in the NCEP Reanalysis and CCM3.
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