Sets of numerical experiments are performed with two values of the stratification parameter H1/H2 (the ratio of model layer depths), 0.2 and 1. The first represents a thermocline-like stratification, the second a uniform stratification. A simple argument shows that the upper bound on the ratio of kinetic energies in the baroclinic to barotropic kinetic energies exceeds one, as in observations, only when the stratification is surface-trapped.
Experiments with equal Ekman damping rates in the two layers are also performed for purposes of contrast. Interpretation is aided with an inequality derived from the energy and enstrophy equations. The inequality forbids the simultaneous retention of substantial energy in the baroclinic mode and in deformation scales when Ekman friction is symmetric. However, the bottom friction experiments are not so bounded, especially when the stratification is surface-trapped. Hence, the model results point towards bottom friction and surface-trapped stratification as important factors in controlling the vertical structure and horizontal scales of mid-ocean eddies.