Tuesday, 5 June 2001
Thomas A. Cram, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO; and M. T. Montgomery and R. F. A. Hertenstein
The generation and organization of mesoscale convective vortices (MCVs)
is a recurring theme in middle latitude and tropical meteorology during
the warm season. In this work an idealized simulation of a finite-length
convective line is investigated in the absence of ambient vertical
vorticity. Previous simulations have focused primarily on the tilting
of either ambient or storm-generated horizontal vorticity to account for
the formation of MCVs. This study confirms recent work suggesting that
tilting of both ambient and storm-generated horizontal vorticity generates
vertical vorticity at early times in the simulation. At later times,
however, a Lagrangian budget analysis of the vertical vorticity equation
shows that vorticity convergence becomes a comparable and at times
dominant mechanism for the production and long-term organization of
vertical vorticity.
Considering the convective line in the context of hydraulic jump theory
allows one to apply a recently derived Bernoulli theorem to obtain a new
and exact expression for the potential vorticity (PV) flux along the
convective system. Rapid deceleration in the horizontal winds at the
gust front boundary results in a reduction in the Bernoulli function,
thereby producing a horizontal PV flux which is related to gradients
in potential temperature and the Bernoulli function. Due to a larger
Bernoulli function gradient at the leading convective line, a
net northward transport of PV occurs along the convective line, thus
favoring the development of mesoscale positive and negative PV (and
hence vertical vorticity) anomalies at the northern and southern line
ends, respectively.
This work suggests a new and useful way of thinking about the organization
of vertical vorticity in mesoscale convective systems.

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

- Indicates an Award Winner