These observations have inspired an investigation of the dynamics of stratospheric vacillation cycles in a new type of vacillation model. The model used in our experiments is a sigma-coordinate primitive equation model run with spectral truncation at a single zonal wavenumber, and with disturbances forced by an interior potential vorticity source intended to simulate either asymmetric heating or wave generation resulting from baroclinic disturbances. The additional degrees of freedom that arise by allowing the disturbance and mean flow to vary in latitude as well as altitude allows horizontal wave propagation to play a leading role in the vacillation dynamics.
There are many components to a vacillation's anatomy which fit together in a complex way. How the vacillation depends on such parameters as the structure of the time-mean wind field, the forcing strength and location, and the specification of thermal damping will be explored. The dynamics of the vacillation may be understood in terms of how the mean flow, meridional circulation, and surface pressure respond to time-varying horizontal wave flux divergences, and in terms of how the wave propagation responds to a time-varying mean flow. It will be shown that the wave propagation characteristics throughout the domain are primarily governed by the large mean flow variations in the upper stratosphere. The resulting vacillations in the wave fluxes impose a significant variation in the troposphere flux divergences, and give rise to a mode of variability in the troposphere mean flow that resembles the Arctic Oscillation. The variation in the troposphere winds in turn modulates the horizontal propagation direction of the waves emanating form the source region, and thereby contributes to the timing of the vacillation. The troposphere and stratosphere therefore work together to produce the model vacillation, but the vacillation is primarily controlled in the upper stratosphere via periodic reversals of momentum flux as the waves alternate between poleward and equatorward propagation. The vacillation ceases completely if variability is inhibited through artificial damping above 40 km.