Tuesday, 5 June 2001
The vertical distribution of the mean-flow acceleration
contributed by gravity waves is of primary importance to
the study of middle-atmosphere circulation. There remain
significant uncertainties regarding the non-conservative
processes that determine this distribution. One point of
consensus is that these processes are profoundly sensitive
to the environment through which the wave energy propagates.
Waves rising through the middle atmosphere encounter not
only large vertical variations in the large-scale flow, but
also substantial fluctuations due to numerous other waves,
which vary both spatially and temporally. We have
demonstrated, using raytracing techniques, that a wave's
response to this combination is fundamentally different in
character from its response to simpler background fields.
It is distinct from the simple refractive behaviour that
occurs in a steady background featuring mean shear. It
is also completely different from the response to a single
quasi-monochromatic wave, or any combination of such
``pairwise'' interactions. In particular, as the background
spectrum becomes broader, the action density variations
appear to lose all semblance of a simple relationship with
vertical group speed. One consequence of this complexity
is that wave energy is focused in some regions and times,
and defocused in others. Unlike the steady-background case,
the focusing events are not confined to the neighbourhood of
critical approaches, where the vertical wavenumber becomes
large. Our results suggest a highly inhomogeneous field of
wave energy density, with both critical and non-critical
opportunities for wavebreaking throughout a broader vertical
region, compared to theories that are based on simpler
approximations to the observed flow field. We have identified commonly observed features of the atmospheric winds that contribute to non-critical focusing. We examine these effects in a variety of models, with a view to understanding how non-critical focusing contributes to wavebreaking and momentum-flux divergence in the middle atmosphere. This mechanism for mean-flow acceleration has not been included in existing gravity-wave-drag parameterizations.