Monday, 4 June 2001
The tropical stratospheric mean flow behavior in a
series of integrations with high vertical
resolution versions of the GFDL SKYHI model
is examined. At sufficiently high vertical and
horizontal model resolution, the simulated stratospheric
zonal winds exhibit a strong equatorially-centered oscillation
with downward propagation of the wind reversals and
with formation of strong vertical shear layers. This appears to be
a spontaneous internally-generated oscillation and closely
resembles the observed QBO in many respects, although
the simulated oscillation has a period less
than half that of the real QBO. The same basic mean
flow oscillation appears in both seasonally-varying
and perpetual equinox versions of the model. The mean flow oscillation
is shown to be largely driven by eddy momentum fluxes associated
with a broad spectrum of vertically-propagating gravity waves
generated spontaneously in the tropical troposphere of
the model. Several experiments are performed with
the model parameters perturbed in various ways. The period
of the simulated tropical stratospheric mean flow
oscillation is found to change in response
to large alterations in the sea surface
temperatures employed. This is a fairly direct demonstration
of the link between the stratospheric mean flow
behavior and tropical convection that is inherent
in current theories of the QBO. It is also shown in another series of
experiments that the oscillation is affected by
the coefficients used for the subgrid scale diffusion parameterization.
These experiments demonstrate that at least one key reason why
reasonably fine horizontal resolution is needed
for the model to simulate a mean flow oscillation is the smaller
horizontal diffusion that can be used at high resolution.
- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner