P5.15 Underlying Mechanisms of Decadal Thermohaline Variability

Wednesday, 6 June 2001
M. Jeroen Molemaker, Univ. of California, Los Angeles, CA; and J. C. McWilliams

In the last decade, many reports have been made on intrinsic variability of the wind-driven, thermohaline circulation on decadal timescales. Unfortunately, many different modes and corresponding mechanisms have been suggested which has led to a somewhat confusing picture. Instead of describing yet another example of decadal ocean variability, this talk will try to paint a unifying picture of intrinsic, decadal ocean variability. An extensive study of steady states and limit cycles in parameter space will be presented that aims to connect the previously reported, separate examples. Combined with a thorough study of underlying mechanisms this will lead to a complete classification of previously reported work.
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