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We analyzed the impact on two distinct groups of convective cells that developed on August 24 2000. The first group of storms located southeast of the city attained its maximum at approximately 18:30 UTC. The second, occurred north of the city (downwind) a few hours later. For the first group, the effects of land-use on convection and precipitation were dramatic and mainly linked to a monotonic increase in the intensity of the sea breeze due to the urban land-use change. The total volume of precipitation increased monotonically 9, 11, and 30% (over the NOCITY run) for 1992, 2001, and 2006, respectively. However, liquid water paths and updrafts maxima did not change significantly as the cells covered a larger area. Conversely, the effects on the storm that developed north of the city were not dominated by land-use change in itself but by the enhanced concentrations of aerosols. In this case, lower precipitation rates were simulated consistent with several previous studies indicating that increases in CCN number concentrations tend to reduce warm rain efficiencies and increase cloud water contents. In addition, greater amounts of supercooled water are available in the polluted environment enhancing non-inductive charge separation mechanisms.