Thursday, 20 August 2009: 12:00 PM
The Canyons (Sheraton Salt Lake City Hotel)
Presentation PDF (156.5 kB)
While preparing updates and revisions to the 2nd Edition of Storm and Cloud Dynamics by Cotton and Anthes, I reviewed the theories for tornado genesis in supercells and non-supercell convection, and tropical cyclone(TC) genesis from mesoscale convective vorticies(MCVs). In so doing I found a number of common features between the two theories. In this talk I will first provide an overview of top-down vs bottom-up theories of tornado genesis including the environmental properties that favor the bottom-up genesis. I will then review the theories for top-down vs bottom-up genesis of TCs from MCVs, including the environmental properties that favor TC genesis from MCVs. This will include the role of vertical hot towers and book-end vorticies. Conclusions and suggestions for further research will be provided.