During T-PARC/TCS08, COAMPS guidance was produced twice daily using the adjoint and tangent linear models over the Northwestern Pacific. An adaptive response function region was used to target favorable areas for tropical cyclogenesis and development. Real-time COAMPS-adjoint forecasts with lead times of 36 h, 48 h, and 72h were executed twice daily during T-PARC/TCS08 using a horizontal resolution of 40 km. The characteristics of the COAMPS sensitivity patterns such as preferred altitudes, comparison of wind field to temperature and moisture field sensitivities, and sensitivity to the sea surface temperature will be summarized. Preliminary data-denial experiment results will be presented and the implications for observing system design on the mesoscale will be discussed.
Results indicate that 24-h forecasts of tropical cyclone formation in the Western Pacific are very sensitive to the initial state. The adjoint-based sensitivity fields indicate highly structured patterns in the wind, thermal, and microphysical fields that project on to the model simulated deep convection, which ultimately influences the intensification rate. Relatively small basic state perturbations based on the adjoint calculations on the order of observational errors (1 m/s, 1 K) lead to rapid growth rates in the near-surface horizontal velocity of more than 10 m/s and 6 hPa deepening rate of the central pressure over 24 h. Implications of the adjoint-based sensitivity fields for the predictability of tropical cyclone formation will be addressed.