Preliminary results indicate that the sounding network was successful in capturing a variety of synoptic and mesoscale conditions leading to heavy rainfall and flash flooding over Taiwan. The individual cases ranged from isolated convection producing heavy rainfall (IOP-2), heavy rainfall in central Taiwan associated with the Meiyu Front and back-building convection (IOP-4), heavy rainfall over southern Taiwan associated with a mesovortex that had its origins over China (IOP-6), and heavy rainfall over southern Taiwan associated with southerly flow impinging on the island (IOP-8). Averaged over the entire experiment, the heaviest rainfall occurred over southern and upstream of the island. Preliminary diagnosed divergence and vertical motion are in general agreement with observed rainfall. A late afternoon/evening maximum in rainfall was found over land, a midday maximum over the ocean upstream of Taiwan. The above results are based on real-time data obtained during the field phase. Quality-control efforts on the sounding data are currently underway.