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storms and larger-scale quasi-linear convective systems (QLCSs) as distinct entities to be
studied in isolation, with a majority of studies focusing purely on one phenomena or the
other. For instance, many studies investigating the dynamics and structures of supercell
thunderstorms conclude their analysis once the supercell has merged with other storms, or a
larger QLCS. In addition, most studies have focused on cases characterized by the archetypal
environments that favor a given mode rather than those that would permit both supercell
and intense QLCS organizations, which are not uncommon. While this has lead to immea-
surable advances in the understanding of supercells and QLCSs, an unintended result is that
there is a gap in the knowledge base surrounding what happens when these organizational
modes merge and interact. These interactions occur quite regularly in nature as multiple
storms, and multiple modes, are often evolving concurrently within the same region. This
is of particular importance to the severe storms forecasting community, given an ongoing
debate within the literature as to whether storm mergers (often referring to isolated, cellular
storms) may help or hinder tornadogenesis. With this in mind, the goal of the present study
is to begin to address the problem of QLCS/supercell mergers through a preliminary study
focusing on observations from several cases of QLCS/supercell mergers in the central United
States. The longer-term aim of this study is to set the stage for future numerical simulations
that will delve into dynamical processes at work during these events.