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convective systems (MCSs) that encounter an increasingly stable boundary layer, akin to
what occurs with the onset of nocturnal cooling. The present study builds upon this work
by investigating the effect of adding a low-level jet (LLJ) to a simulated surface-based MCS
in concert with low-level cooling. This simulates, in an idealized sense, the environmental
transition experienced by an MCS that develops during the late afternoon and persists after
nightfall as the boundary layer stabilizes and the LLJ develops. The development, structure
and location of the simulated LLJ are based on past climatological studies of the LLJ in the
central United States. A variety of jet orientations are tested, and sensitivities to jet speed
and height are explored.
The primary impacts of adding the LLJ are that it alters the wind shear in the layers just
above and below the jet, and that it alters the magnitude of the storm-relative inflow in
the jet layer. The changes to wind shear have an attendant impact on low-level lifting as
suggested by Rotunno et. al (1988). However, the more significant impact on storm intensity
and longevity comes from the jet modulating the intensity of the storm relative inflow. When
oriented perpendicular and toward (away from) the storm, the LLJ enhances (diminishes)
storm intensity and longevity. In some cases, seemingly positive impacts on low-level lifting
due to shear generated by the jet can be offset by the negative impacts of reduced inflow.
The LLJ has a more significant impact on the simulated MCS when the jet speed is increased,
however the overall character of the impact remains unchanged. The shear-related impacts
on updraft strength are most significant when the jet is located proximal to the base of the
bore driving the elevated MCS, while the inflow modulation effects are most significant when
the jet is co-located with the layer of highest-CAPE air above the nocturnal stable layer.
Finally, simulations featuring an LLJ oriented parallel to a completely 3D MCS result in an
asymmetric precipitation distribution favoring the flank of the storm upon which the jet is