Handout (600.4 kB)
More interesting is the interaction of the mountain waves with the inter-basin cold pool and its consequences for both the waves and the cold pool. As wave amplitude grew during the first half of the night the lower portions of the last (farthest downwind) wave in the train responded to the low-level reversal of the mean flow by tilting down shear. The isentropes eventually become vertical on the down-shear side of the wave crest. This wave breaking occurred at the level where the cross-ridge wind component was zero, suggesting that interaction between the lower portions of the gravity wave and the low-level flow reversal contributed to breaking.
Subsequent to breaking, the wave underwent a number of structural and behavioral changes. It began moving rapidly down shear, leaving its position at the down shear end of the wave train and eventually passing over the next ridge down shear. As it moved the local shear continued to intensify upwind of the advancing crest. This change caused the maximum in parameterized turbulence kinetic energy to move from under the wave crest (i.e. rotor turbulence) to the highly sheared up-shear side of the wave crest (i.e. Kelvin-Helmholtz turbulence). This turbulence and the high winds up-shear of the traveling wave crest penetrated progressively closer to the surface as the wave amplified, eventually eliminating the basin cold pool under the wave trough. The resulting low-altitude burst of warm air and strong winds then pushed the remnants of the basin cold pool up against the down-shear ridge where it was eroded by turbulent mixing. This sequence of events took most of the night to complete and resulted in a significant alteration of the diurnal cycle of valley-floor winds and temperatures from that which would occur on a night with no mesoscale disturbances.