Subjectively studying the individual ensemble members showed large variability between the member's mode and evolution, convective spatial and temporal characteristics, and larger grid scale flow and environmental properties. Given realistic uncertainties depicted by the EnKF analysis perturbations, certain members were found to have evident squall line and bow echo characteristics including strong rear inflow jets, notches, and bowing features while others developed discrete and widespread convective structures with no apparent organization. This variability in ensembles with similar synoptic characteristics can be attributed to the role moist convection plays on squall line and bow echo development and the dominating effect of ingested CAPE (convective available potential energy). Further correlations and ensemble energy analysis applied to study the ensemble member discrepancies illuminate the possible connection between CAPE, environmental shear, LFC (level of free convection), and convection initiation to the development of members with good versus poor squall line or bow echo characteristics. The findings are in strong agreement with previous model and observed conditions for bow echo and squall line evolution which affirm the viability of this type of predictability and dynamic study of initial condition variability in deducing dynamical features responsible for storm evolution.