SOP overview of the spatial and temporal distribution of precipitation in the northern Black Forest during the COPS field campaign
Simon H�lzl, Institute of Meteorology and Geophysics Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria; and A. Gohm and G. Mayr
Abstract: During the COPS field campaign we operated a network of 10 automatic weather stations, 6 tipping bucket rain gauges, 2 laser disdrometers and one weighing rain gauge. Studies based on these data will comprise three parts: First, the evaluation and correction of wind-induced errors on precipitation measurements with tipping bucket rain gauges, second, the calculation of spatial averages of precipitation based on the corrected measurements and third, an intercomparison with other data sets such as RADAR observations or model outputs (ECMWF analysis and forecasts). The goal is to create an overview of the meteorological conditions that occurred during the SOP which should facilitate the choice of specific cases for further studies.
Poster Session 1, Ice Breaker Reception with Mountain Meteorology Poster Session 1
Monday, 11 August 2008, 5:30 PM-7:00 PM, Sea to Sky Ballroom A
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