13th Conference on Mountain Meteorology

Session 10B

 Mountain Wakes and Greenland Flow Distortion Experiment (GFDex)
 Chair: Stephen D. Mobbs, University of Leeds, Leeds, West Yorkshire United Kingdom
1:30 PM10B.1Barrier wind during the Greenland Flow Distortion experiment (GFDex)  
Gudrun Nina Petersen, University of East Anglia, Norwich, Norfolk, United Kingdom; and I. A. Renfrew
1:45 PM10B.2A Reverse Tip Jet during the Greenland Flow Distortion experiment   wrf recording
Stephen D. Outten, University of East Anglia, Norwich, Norfolk, United Kingdom
2:00 PM10B.3Lee vortices in evolving large-scale flows   wrf recording
Lucas M. Harris, University of Washington, Seattle, WA; and D. R. Durran
2:15 PM10B.4The origin and dynamics of banner clouds - an analysis based on large eddy simulations  extended abstract wrf recording
Daniel Reinert, Institute for Atmospheric Physics, Johannes Gutenberg-University, Mainz, Germany; and V. Wirth
2:30 PM10B.5The Snake River Plains Convergence Zone: dynamics, climatology, and predictability  extended abstract wrf recording
Thomas Andretta, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY; and B. Geerts
 Paper 10B.6 has been moved. New poster number P1.33  

Thursday, 14 August 2008: 1:30 PM-3:00 PM, Fitzsimmons

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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