17th Conference on Applied Climatology

Session 10

 Applied Climatology - Analysis, Assessments and Strategies
 Chair: Laura M. Edwards, DRI, Reno, NV
3:15 PMNew Climate and Weather Reanalysis Efforts in NOAA: Overview and Access Update  
Glenn K. Rutledge, NOAA/NESDIS/NCDC, Asheville, NC
3:30 PM10.1Landslides risk analysis using a newly developed scalable and extensible geo-fluid model  
Diandong Ren, Univ. of Oklahoma/CAPS, Norman, OK; and D. J. Karoly and L. M. Leslie
3:45 PM10.2Estimating daily maxima and minima from single daily air temperature readings   wrf recording
Michele Andrighetti, Atmospheric Physics Group, University of Trento, Trento, Italy, Trento, Italy; and M. De Franceschi and D. Zardi
4:00 PM10.3Estimation of monthly and annual local wind speed anomalies through the use of high resolution numerical simulations   wrf recording
John W. Zack, MESO, Inc., Troy, NY; and K. T. Waight, S. Young, G. E. Van Knowe, and M. Brower
4:15 PM10.4Assessing the quality assurance system for the Oklahoma Mesonet with accuracy measures  extended abstract wrf recording
Peter K. Hall Jr., Oklahoma Mesonet, Norman, OK; and A. D. Gartside, C. A. Fiebrich, and R. A. McPherson
4:30 PM10.5Interannual variability of soybean yield in the Argentine Pampas and its relationship with synoptic weather types in Southern South America  extended abstract
Maria Laura Bettolli, FCEN/UBA-CONICET, Buenos Aires, Argentina; and W. Vargas and O. C. Penalba

Thursday, 14 August 2008: 3:15 PM-5:00 PM, Harmony AB

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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