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The global datasets to be downscaled are the ECMWF ERA40 re-analysis data and climate scenarios by the global climate model ECHAM5. Dynamical downscaling is performed with the regional climate model CLM ( with horizontal grid spacing of 0.44° and 0.165°. Statistical downscaling is performed with a simple scaling approach using precipitation of the global data set as predictor. A combination of the dynamical downscaling method with the statistical approach is additionally proposed.
Evaluation of the simulated precipitation patterns indicate that both methods perform well in the data-rich European area and perform less well in the data-poor monsoonal Asian area. The statistical approach is not able to deal with the sparseness of precipitation events in the non-monsoon season. The CLM is developed in Europe and the transfer of the computational domain to South-Asia, especially with respect to the convection parameterization, is not without challenge. In the light of the discussed uncertainties this paper gives a careful discussion of simulated trends of daily precipitation and regional patterns.