(NWP) models is now commonplace at operational centers around the
world. However, accurate forecasts of many mesoscale phenomenon remain
elusive. One example is the tendency of models to over-predict the
amplitude of mountain waves. In this talk we will examine how
numerical errors can result in mountain-wave over-amplification in NWP
model forecasts.
Discrete analytic mountain-wave solutions are presented for the
classical problem of cross-mountain flow in an atmosphere with
constant wind speed and stability. Using second-order-accurate finite
differences on an Arakawa "C grid" to model non-hydrostatic flow
over a supposedly well resolved 8Δx-wide mountain can lead to
an over-amplification of the standing mountain wave by as much
as 30%. On the other hand, the same finite-difference model
significantly underestimates the wave amplitude in hydrostatic flow
over an 8Δx-wide mountain. Increasing the accuracy of the
advection scheme to fourth-order significantly reduces the numerical
errors associated with both the hydrostatic and non-hydrostatic
discrete solutions.
We will also consider an example of mountain-wave over-amplification
in a full NWP simulation of TREX IOP 13. It is shown that switching
from second-order advection to fourth-order advection leads to as much
as a 20 m/s decrease in vertical velocity on the lee-side of the
Sierra-Nevada, and that the weaker 4th-order solutions are more
consistent with observations.