In this study, the recently developed adjoint and tangent linear models for the atmospheric portion of the nonhydrostatic Coupled Atmosphere/Ocean Mesoscale Prediction System (COAMPS) are used to explore the mesoscale sensitivity of mountain waves and downslope wind forecasts to the initial state during T-REX. Results indicate that the 36-h forecast downslope winds and mountain wave response are very sensitive to the initial state and in particular to synoptic-scale and mesoscale characteristics of mid-latitude cyclones. The mountain waves and strong downslope winds are most sensitive to upstream features in the initial state that are present in the lower troposphere. We also examine the adjoint sensitivity of the 12-h forecast conditions in the region of the Sierra Range to the initial state for a number of the T-REX Intensive Observation Periods. The results indicate that predictability of mountain waves and windstorms are limited by rapid perturbation growth on multiple scales. On the synoptic-scale, rapid growth associated baroclinic waves occurs that impact the stability and cross barrier wind speed upstream of the Sierras. On the smaller scales, the mountain waves and lee side windstorm are predominantly influenced by the upstream stratification and crest-level wind shear. Implications for predictability of terrain-forced phenomena will be addressed.