In the first part of this talk, results from a 10-year-long integration of the OGCM while assimilating SSH observations from TOPEX/Poseidon and in situ temprature observations from TAO and XBT are presented. The model temperature, salinity and current fields from the EnKF run are compared to the corresponding fields of (a) a control integration with no assimilation, (b) of a run where an optimal interpolation (OI) algorithm is used to assimilate only the temperature data, and (c) of available observations of the ocean subsurface. Special attention is given to the impact of the satellite altimetry data on the model states produced by the assimilation.
One of the GMAO's objectives is to use the EnKF in its routine seasonal-to-interannual (SI) ensemble forecasting procedure. An ensemble of coupled-model forecasts can be initialized with the final state of each ensemble member at the end of the EnKF run. The procedure is discussed in the second part of this talk and Nino-3 SST hindcasts initialized with the EnKF are compared to OI-initialized hindcasts made with the GMAO's production SI prediction system.