Poster Session P7.17 A Cloud Mask for AIRS

Thursday, 23 September 2004
Nicole Brubaker, University of Alabama, Huntsville, AL; and G. Jedlovec

Handout (266.5 kB)

With the preliminary release of AIRS Level 1 and 2 data to the scientific community, there is a growing need for an accurate AIRS cloud mask for data assimilation studies and in producing products derived from cloud free radiances. Current cloud information provided with the AIRS data are limited or based on simplified threshold tests. A multispectral cloud detection approach has been developed for AIRS that utilizes the hyper-spectral capabilities to detect clouds based on specific cloud signatures across the short wave and long wave infrared window regions. This new AIRS cloud mask has been validated against the existing AIRS Level 2 cloud product and cloud information derived from MODIS. Preliminary results for both day and night applications over the continental U. S. are encouraging. Details of the cloud detection approach and validation results will be presented at the conference.
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